AI4PEP Indonesia Launched Global Health Security Talks with Strong Attendance

On July 18, AI4PEP Indonesia kicked off the Global Health Security Talks (GHS Talks) to address pandemic preparedness and health security. The Center for Tropical Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada UGM, in partnership with the Ministry of Health RI, WHO Indonesia, and USAID Indonesia, organized the webinar series with support from International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Canada and @USAID

The inaugural webinar, titled “Strengthening Surveillance and Response to Potential Pandemics through Innovation,” brought together nearly 300 attendees. Dr. Triya Novita Dinihari of the Ministry of Health introduced a new risk calendar developed with WHO, aimed at improving outbreak preparedness. Dr. Riris Andono Ahmad from UGM discussed advances in disease surveillance and early detection. Dr. mushtofa kamal from WHO presented on Epidemic Intelligence, a method that uses varied data sources to spot potential outbreaks. USAID’s Monica Latuihamallo highlighted the agency’s support for strengthening health systems in Indonesia.

The event reinforced the need for ongoing collaboration and innovation to enhance global health security and prepare for future pandemics.

The Center for Tropical Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, shared their hopes that the “webinar will serve as a catalyst for ongoing dialogue and dissemination of crucial information about enhancing our pandemic preparedness and response strategies.”

The GHS Talk Series can be accessed here:

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