
Hub: Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Title: Intelligent Early Warning and Response System Based on Health System Routin Data and Environment Data to Improve National Health Resilience.

Team Members

Riris Andono Ahmad

Anis Fuad
Team Member

Kuwat Triyana
Team Member

Citra Indriani
Team Member

Triya Dinihari
Team Member

Diyah Utami
Team Member

Ahmad Watsiq
Team Member

Aldilas Achmad
Team Member

Nurul Kodriati
Team Member

General Objectives

To develop artificial intelligence model to predict spread of infectious disease outbreak by combining health system routine data and environment data.

Specific Objectives

1. Evaluate existing EWARS application and implementation.

2. Improving national capacity in development and implementation of AI solution for pandemic preparedness.

3. Improving regulation and policy on AI-based decision making tools.

4. Develop AI model to augment capacity and functionality of the existing EWARS.

5. Enhancing inclusivity and representativeness of current EWAR